At De’Hills, experience tells us that tried and tested answers may not always work best for you. While standard, mass market insurance solutions may meet some of your needs, we strongly believe that it is only by going to the very depths of your unique situation and thinking out of the box that we can provide the ultimate coverage. Here are some of our wide-ranging capabilities that enable us to offer best-fit programmes to help you grow and thrive through the business world’s many ups and downs.

Flexible Employee Benefits Programme (Flex EB)

For today’s companies to remain competitive and attract the best talents, providing high quality employee health and wellness care has become a must. Recognising this fact, De’Hills is proud to roll out a Flex EB suite that allows employees of a company to choose the coverage that best meets their needs and those of their families. A high degree of flexibility ensures they are adequately covered even as they go through various life and career cycles.

Holistic Employee Health & Wellness Framework

High medical insurance claims are an issue plaguing many companies, resulting in them having to bear the burden of increasing premiums. While alternative insurance providers might be able to offer lower premiums, this in no way tackles the root cause of high claims. De’Hills cuts to the chaise to help companies lower their premium costs with a holistic programme that includes education and awareness, prevention and screening, health intervention initiatives and also behavioural change motivation.

Pre-emptive Legal Coverage

As businesses confront an even more competitive and complex world, disputes and their resultant legal tussles are becoming commonplace. To compound the problem, legal fees have been on the rise, to the point where companies might have to reconsider getting drawn in even if they do have a strong case. This is particularly true for SMEs, who might have to abstain from pursuing their legal rights due to the exorbitant costs. This is where De’Hills can step in to offer them the means to appropriate legal defence with a Commercial Legal Expenses insurance package that provides them with the necessary financial ammunition for them to stand their ground.

Comprehensive SME Coverage

SMEs have always been the foundation of the Singapore economy, and they are set to play an even more important role as new technology empowers them to internationalise rapidly. However, when it comes to insurance coverage they might be lacking even as they seek to grow their business and this exposes them to unnecessary risks. De’Hills recognises the potential for SMEs, especially those in the technology sector, to succeed beyond our shores and will provide coverage for them even as they develop solutions and services that might make them the next big thing.

Cyber Liability Suites

With Internet continuity and cyber security becoming huge issues globally, it has become crucial for both individuals and organisations to seek protection against damage and losses due to cyber incidents. We offer you solid coverage that takes into account the unpredictability of the cyber universe. Scams, phishing, hacking, DDOS and more can all either cause financial loss, or expose a company to legal trouble, loss of critical information, or costly downtime. De’Hills has the answers to minimise such risks and help turn cyberspace into an asset that continually powers your growth and success.

Fleets and Rapid Transits

We understand that operating any fleet or rapid transit system can be difficult and time consuming at the best of times. The make-up of any fleet or system is unique and each operates within its own unique set of circumstances - there is no meaningful one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to insuring them. We consider ourselves one of the more forward-thinking specialists in this area, with years of experience in handling some of the world’s largest public and private sector vehicular fleets and rapid transit systems. De’Hills can work with you to ensure that you enjoy adequate coverage as well as efficient claims and risk management.Whether you are insuring your fleet or transit system for the first time, looking to renew your policy or wanting to improve your insurance claims experience, De’Hills has the expertise and track record to provide you with the best of solutions and insurance terms.